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本文摘要:In the southern United States, snakes can be vibrant and bright. In the North, they tend to be dark and drab. A dark coat may seem a bit depressing. It may, however, help northern snakes soak up heat from the sun more quickly than their southern kin, a teen finds. And a quick solar heating could prove an advantage in colder climes.在美国南部,那里的蛇需要收到响声,而且很颜色艳丽。

In the southern United States, snakes can be vibrant and bright. In the North, they tend to be dark and drab. A dark coat may seem a bit depressing. It may, however, help northern snakes soak up heat from the sun more quickly than their southern kin, a teen finds. And a quick solar heating could prove an advantage in colder climes.在美国南部,那里的蛇需要收到响声,而且很颜色艳丽。在北方,这些蛇会偏向于变为黑色或者浅褐色。


在更为严寒的气候下,较慢吸取太阳的热量,对蛇较为不利。Gianna Fantell, 15, presented the results of her serpentine research, here, at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair.15岁的吉安娜·范泰尔,在英特尔国际科学与工程博览会上,展出了自己对蛇纹石的研究结果。Snake fan Gianna Fantell showed that more northerly snakes tend to be darker than those in the South. Darker colors might help snakes soak up the sun’s warmth.吉安娜·范泰尔对蛇十分感兴趣,她找到蛇所处的地点越是往北,它们的颜色比南方的蛇就更深。

加深的颜色也许可以协助蛇更佳地提供太阳的温度。The freshman at Colonia High School in New Jersey has loved snakes for most of her life. “I remember I was trick-or-treating, and this woman came out [of her house] with an albino corn snake,” she recalls. Gianna instantly became fascinated with the creatures.新泽西州科洛尼亚高中的一名新生在生活中爱好蛇。她回忆说“我忘记有一次我在万圣节调皮,一位女士就拿着一条白色的玉米蛇走进了房间。

”吉安娜立马对这一生物产生了浓烈的兴趣。When it came time to design a research project for school, snakes were a natural focus. Flipping through a field guide, she noticed a pattern. “Farther north, the pigmentation of snakes is darker.”当学校必须我设计一个研究项目的时候,蛇大自然出了我研究的重点。通过研究一份野外工作指南,她找到一个规律。“越是往北,蛇的颜色更深。

